18 Apr 2011

hiking n old jeans

We will be heading for a caving adventure soon. Am really looking forward to that. I just read that there are 4 levels of caving, level 4 being the most difficult. Have yet to decide if we'll do 3 or 4.

I also read that I will have to walk some 700 steps to get to the top before the steps descend into lower levels, streams and tunnels. My heart is already palpitating thinking of all those steps. So in preparation, I'm planning on hiking a lot these few weeks!

Yesterday we did 2 hours of hiking up and down hill, and am proud to say that my children did it without any whining (coz there was the ice cream reward promised at the end of it all! ) :)

As I do this, I also hope to shed the 7kg's that I DESPERATELY need to shed in order to get back into the jeans I used to wear some 14 years ago when I was merely a size 4/5. Oh yes, I still have my old jeans...hoping, dreaming and longing for the day I'll get back into them.

Perhaps it will always remain a dream? *sob* *sob*.....


gail said...

Oh, Martha! You are amazing!

Martha Jin said...

G, but i have many uncool and unamazing moments as well. :) hoping for good weather now.

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